1/18/2008 懸念
I received a warning mail form the editor of Designboom cause I use their images without their permit. Then I send back a mail to express my apology and told him that the international design information written in Chinese is so weak ,I just want to translate the news to Taiwanese. The Chinese Designboom information in my blog will suspend until Designboom’s allowance.
"對方大同的印象蠻好 挺芭樂的歌他唱來很有味道 唱了一些比較有難度的歌聽了覺得通體舒暢 他的節奏感非常慵懶精準 肢體動作不大但是很有樣子 他完全沒有那種制式嘻哈或是節奏藍調人類的德行 總的來說 我覺得方大同是很音樂也很有風采的一個人"節錄自陳珊妮1/11/2008公主日記。
標籤: 大耳日記
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