2008年1月20日 星期日

1/20/2008 浪費奢侈的女吼

「什麼是真理?」 節自酒見賢一「後宮小說」中學司瀨戶角教導準宮女的哲學課。





3 個意見:

Blogger Unknown 提到...

sorry dear,
I just saw this essay accidentally,haha~~~well,我當然知道你在想什麼,畢竟認識也一年半載了!想讓你知道幫異教徒禱告絕不叫浪費,I just want to build stronger friendship with you guys.So...just feel relaxed and tell me what is going on in your life, and what's your struggling right now.Just like what we used to do in the study group.Don't feel any uncomfortable about it,and I'm not pushing you to believe something,just like always~~Good luck!!BY the way,reading your blogs is really like reading novels.Your writing style is really impressive!

2008年1月21日 上午8:01  
Blogger 大耳 提到...

Maice,don't be sorry,I do not feel uncomfortable at all,I think shall reponse to you particularly,but I don't have time these days,Could you please wait a few days for me?

2008年1月22日 清晨5:33  
Blogger Unknown 提到...


2008年1月22日 晚上10:06  


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